Help! Why Is My Cat Sneezing So Much?


A sneeze is the body’s natural way to clear the nose of irritants and germs, but sometimes a cluster of feline sneezes can seem as mysterious as cats themselves! While it's totally normal to gush over a cute little sneezing spell, you may also be wondering, why exactly is my cat sneezing—and should I be concerned? Discover the possible causes and check out our tips on how you can help.


What Causes a Cat to Sneeze?

While there are many potential reasons why your cat is sneezing so much, here are a few of the most common causes.

Environmental Irritant

A likely reason your cat may be sneezing is due to particles like airborne dust, debris, or even their own fur creeping into their nasal passage. Cat whiskers are essential for many reasons, such as capturing specks of dust before they go into your furry friend's nose and cause a sneeze-worthy tickle.


Cats can catch colds! While these viruses are not contagious between humans and cats, if you board your feline at a facility with other cats, there is always the possibility of catching an illness. In most cases, cat colds only last for about a week or two and include symptoms like a runny nose and frequent sneezing.


Cats can be allergic to certain foods, medications, plants, bugs, and even specific elements in the environment like pollen or mold. While there are many symptoms a cat might display when experiencing an allergic reaction, sudden sneezing is often a common indicator. Take note if your cat suddenly starts sneezing repeatedly after spending time outside or eating certain foods.

Dental Disease or Sinus Infection

Because a cat’s mouth is so closely connected to their nose, dental disease or a bacterial infection in the root of the mouth can spread to your furry friend’s sinuses. According to Pet Health Network, this inflammation can lead to excessive sneezing, among other more serious symptoms.


When Should I See a Vet?

Sneezing typically requires no treatment, but if your cat seems agitated or you still can’t figure out why your cat is sneezing excessively, don’t hesitate to reach out to your vet for answers. Other signs of discontent that may warrant a trip to the vet include coughing, mucus, drippy eyes, loss of appetite, or a sudden mood change.

cat covering its nose with paw

Tips to Help Your Cat Avoid a Sneezing Fit

While your veterinarian should treat an illness or infection, there are some simple steps you can take to help ease the more preventable sneezing causes.

Tip #1: Groom Your Cat

A consistent grooming routine can help keep loose fur from ending up in your kitty’s nose and causing an uncomfortable tickle. Plus, grooming is an excellent way to bond with your feline friend!

Tip #2: Provide Supplements to Help Support Overall Health

Supplements that contain magnesium, iron, zinc, or vitamin C, such as Healthy Promise® Multi-Vitamin, provide key vitamins and minerals that can help your furry friend feel their very best.

Tip #3: Follow a Dental Routine

A dental routine can help reduce the risk of your feline developing periodontal disease, which could rule it out as a reason why your cat is sneezing so much.

Start by grabbing a cat toothbrush and allowing your feline to interact with the brush until they feel comfortable with it. Once acclimated, squeeze some cat-friendly toothpaste on and let your kitty lick the brush. You can then slowly start brushing your cat’s front teeth, making your way to the back of the mouth.

Tip #4: Remove Any Allergen Triggers from The Room

Certain everyday objects like plants, candles, perfume, or cleaning supplies may cause your kitty to sneeze more frequently. This could be a sign of an allergy and the trigger should be promptly removed to keep your kitty safe.

Tip #5: Check Your Cat’s Nasal Passage

Check the rim of your cat’s nostrils to see if a piece of lint or grass is the culprit of their sneezing fit. If that is the case, gently remove it or contact your vet if the object is lodged further up the nose.

Tip #6: Clean Any Dust or Debris from Your Home

Seasonal allergies affect many individuals, including cats! It’s a good idea (especially during allergy season) to clean up dust or pollen that might have wound up inside your home. This is also a good idea if you have a pooch, as seasonal allergies are a common reason why dogs sneeze, too!


RELATED: Cat Care 101: 8 Tips for A Happy and Healthy Kitty


Sometimes a Sneeze Is Just a Sneeze

Next time you wonder why your cat is sneezing, just remember not every sneeze is indicative of a larger health problem. Some pet parents may notice something as simple as the cat zoomies will even trigger an influx of random sneezes for their furry friend!

Cats can be strange creatures—which is one of the many reasons why we love them so much. Check out these other quirky cat behaviors and find out what they mean!