Featured Feline: Devon Rex Cat – Traits, Temperament, & Trivia
With big, glowing eyes and an even bigger personality, you might think the Devon Rex is from another world! Although this quirky kitty has a unique appearance, you'll see why their charismatic energy is loved by many. Get to know the Devon Rex cat and learn what makes them the perfect family-friendly feline.
Size: Small
Weight: 6– lbs
Hypoallergenic: Yes, depending on allergy severity
Eyes: Any color
Coat Length: Short
Coat Pattern: Varies—solid, tabby, shaded, tortoiseshell, calico, and more in any color
Personality: Social, active, curious
Origin: England
This British breed can be traced back to Devon, England in the 1950s! The first known Devon Rex stood out for its atypical appearance: a curly coat, big ears, and an egg-shaped head. While one-off attributes are often intentional, this curious kitty’s looks are the result of a natural genetic mutation. In 1979, the Cat Fanciers’ Association recognized the Devon Rex as an official cat breed.
Although they likely have a similar genetic mutation (and similar name!), the Cornish Rex and Devon Rex are two separate cat breeds with distinct features. The easiest way to distinguish the Devon Rex is by their larger ears, shorter whiskers, and more muscular legs.

Temperament and Purrrsonality
Playful, smart, and a bit goofy are just a few ways to describe this people-oriented kitty! While the Devon Rex is known for their kind demeanor, they can get mischievous when bored or lacking attention. They’re natural climbers with slim frames that make it easy to sneak into tight spaces, so a cat-proof environment is necessary to help keep them safe.
Energy Level
They might be a small cat breed, but the Devon Rex has a big personality! It’s even believed their high energy levels could be another result of their genetic mutation that separates them from other domestic breeds.
play with you (or any children!) all day long. You may even want to consider another furry playmate to keep them occupied; Devon Rex cats are known to get along with other felines or cat-friendly dogs!
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Not only are Devon Rex cats very trainable, but their intelligence and eagerness make them great candidates for learning basic commands or unique tricks. Many Rexes can be taught to play fetch or retrieve objects, while some have taken on more challenging skills, like using a standard toilet as their potty!

Grooming and Coat Care
“Are Devon Rex cats hypoallergenic?” is a common question regarding this breed. While no cat is completely hypoallergenic, the Devon Rex’s short coat makes them a more ideal cat for those with feline allergies. Although this is a cat breed that doesn’t shed much, weekly grooming with a grooming mitt can help remove any loose hairs from their coat that could aggravate allergies.
A Dynamic Duo
From their otherworldly looks to their zesty nature, life with a Devon Rex cat can be a one-of-a-kind adventure. If you’re looking for a standout kitty with never-ending fun, the Devon Rex might be the pur-fect companion!